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Is a country
in Europe it limits are: Slovenia, Black Mount, Bosnia, Servian and
Hungary. The lenguaje of Croatia is erbio croataian.
The currency
is croatian Kuna (one argentinian peso is 0,69 croatian Kuna).
The capital
is Zagreb.
The weather
is cold and dry. A thounsand species of plants are in Croatia. There
are more then 40 species restiles an amphibians.
A tipic food
is ocean fishies, crab with lemon, rice with fry vegetables.
The main
religion of Croatia is catholisism.
The Croatian
flag incluyes the states simbols of Croatia.
It consists
of there equal size, horizontal stripes in colors red, white and
blue. In the middle is the coat of arms of Croatia.
The flag
combines, the colors of the flags of the Kingdoms of Dalmatia (red
and blue). Those there Kingdoms are the history constituent states of
the Croatian Kingdoin.
The mayor
persondities of Croatian ore: Nicolo Tesla (scientific).
Stepinoc (policial),Steve Boria (actor), Mira Furlan (actor),Gordan
Visnfic (actor),Gordan Giricele (sportsman),Damir Marcota (sportman)
and Davor Suker (sportman).
The tropical
musics are Kolo and Klapa.
The most
important sports are :
Croacia first
appeared as a duchy in the late 8th century and then as a kingdom in
the 10th century.
From the 12th
century it remaend a distict state with it's ruler (ban) and
parlament, but it obyed the kings and emperors of varius neighbon
powers, punialy Hungary and Autria
The period
from the 15th to the 17th centuries was marked by bilther strunggles
with the Oltoman empire.After beng miorporated in Yigosbaria for most
of the 20th ,Croatis regained independende in 1991
Dafne, Mayra y Marina
Dafne, Mayra y Marina
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